Home » Canadian Dutchie Doughnut Recipe

Canadian Dutchie Doughnut Recipe

Canadian doughnut Dutchie

Indulge in the timeless delight of the Canadian Dutchies classic doughnut—a destined family favorite in the making for your home. Impossibly fluffy and decadently rich, these doughnuts strike the perfect balance, delivering a delightful sweetness without overwhelming the senses. Adorned with sticky sultana raisins, each bite is a symphony of textures, adding a touch of chewiness to the already divine fluffiness.

Lightly spiced to perfection, these doughnuts present a harmonious blend of flavors that will undoubtedly captivate your taste buds. The finger-licking sweet glaze crowning each dutchie doughnut adds the finishing touch, creating an irresistible temptation that challenges your willpower. As you sink your teeth into these delectable treats, the sweetness unfolds gradually, allowing you to savor every nuance.

best recipe of candian dutchie donut

Canadian Dutchies Doughnut Recipe Ingredients Are;

  • 1 cup of golden raisins
  • 1 cup of dairy milk
  • 2 ½ teaspoons of rapid-rise yeast
  • 4 tablespoons of white granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 1 large egg from a free-range source, beaten
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 2 ½ cups of robust bread flour
  • Canola oil for frying

For the glaze:

  • 2 cups of sifted powdered sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of water, or as needed for a thin, smooth glaze

Step-by-Step Making Of Canadian Dutchies With Raisin And Glaze;

Raisin Preparation and Dough Mixing:

Begin by placing the raisins into a large measuring cup and covering them with 1 cup of boiling water. Allow them to stand for 10 minutes and then drain thoroughly.

Warm the milk in the microwave for 30 seconds until it’s warm. Pour the warm milk into the bowl of a stand mixer, add the yeast, and stir. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes. Afterward, beat in the well-drained raisins, cinnamon, sugar, melted butter, egg, and salt. Add the flour and beat on medium-high using the dough hook for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the dough forms a ball and cleanly pulls away from the sides and bottom of the bowl. Adjust with more flour if necessary; the dough should not be sticky.

Rising and Shaping:

Scrape the dough into a lightly oiled bowl, oil the top, and cover it with a damp tea towel. Allow it to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, approximately 1 hour.

Line a large baking sheet with buttered foil. Pat or roll the dough into a roughly ½-inch-thick rectangle. Cut it into 12 equal-sized pieces and place each on the prepared foil, leaving space for them to rise. Cover with the damp tea towel and leave in a warm place to rise until double once more, about 45 minutes.

Frying Process:

Pour canola oil into a large pot to a depth of an inch, clip on a deep-frying thermometer, and heat the oil over medium heat until it reaches 350°F. Adjust the heat as needed to maintain this temperature throughout cooking.

Add the doughnuts one or two at a time to the hot oil. Cook for a total of 3 to 4 minutes, carefully flipping them over halfway through. Drain on paper towels and repeat until all the doughnuts have been fried.


Place a wire rack over wax paper or baking paper. Whisk the icing sugar and water together for the glaze until smooth. Dip the doughnuts into the glaze, coating them completely and allowing any excess to drip away. Place them on the wire rack and let them sit until the glaze is set and firm.


Now, it’s time to enjoy your delicious homemade Canadian dutchie doughnuts!

I guarantee that resisting the urge to indulge in more than one will be a challenge. These Canadian Dutchies are not just doughnuts; they’re an experience—a journey into a world where flavor, texture, and sweetness converge to create a truly memorable culinary moment. Elevate your taste expectations and embark on a delicious dessert with these heavenly doughnuts that are poised to make a lasting impression on your palate and become a cherished family tradition. Also, check out more delicious dessert recipes like Cinnamon Rhubarb Muffins and French Toast Roll-Ups

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