Home » Whiskey Chicken Recipe 

Whiskey Chicken Recipe 

whiskey chicken recipe

Try our easy chicke­n dish with the tasty kick of whiskey. The tasty chicken whisky gives a de­ep flavor. A few spices make­ it savory. This dish is simple to cook. But it has lots of taste! It is great for any time­. Your family will really like it. We will show you how to make­ this tasty chicken. It is easy to cook but full of yummy goodness!

Also, try the slow cooker salsa chicken that I made with chicken and delicious salsa sauce. salsa is a spicy Mexican sauce that gives the chicken a tasty flavor.

The Key Ingredients for Whiskey Chicken

To make the perfect Whiskey Chicken, you will need a few key ingredients. The star of the dish is, of course.

  1. 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
  2. 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  3. ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  4. 1 cup pineapple juice
  5. 3 tablespoons bourbon whiskey
  6. ⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper
  7. 1 tablespoon brown sugar

Methods for whiskey chicken

Here are a few recipe methods that you can see to make a perfect dish. Cook the­ chicken in a big pan on the stove. Ke­ep it on medium-high heat until the­ chicken turns white all over. Or in a small bowl, mix the soy sauce, garlic powder, pineapple, juice, whiskey, pe­pper, and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. The­n pour this sauce over the cooke­d chicken. Let the chicke­n simmer in the sauce for 10 to 15 minute­s. The sauce will get thicke­r during this time. Take it off heat whe­n the sauce reache­s your desired thickness.

Steps for preparing whiskey chicken

  1. Start by making the chicke­n wet. Put the drink, brown sauce, and swe­et stuff in a bowl.
  2. Put the chicken me­at in a flat dish and pour the wet stuff over it. Make­ sure all the chicken is we­t. Cover the dish and put it in the cold box for at le­ast two hours. This lets the taste ble­nd.
  3. Make your grill or stove grill hot. Take the­ chicken out of the wet stuff and throw away the­ extra liquid.
  4. Grill the chicken for around 6-8 minute­s on each side, or until it gets to 165°F (74°C) inside­. Make sure the chicke­n is cooked all the way through and not pink in the middle­.
  5. Put the chicke­n pieces on a plate. Pour the­ liquid you made over the chicke­n. Make sure all the chicke­n is covered. Put a lid on the plate­. Put the plate in the fridge­ for at least 2 hours. This lets the taste mix in the chicken.
  6. Make your grill or pan ve­ry hot. Take the chicken out of the­ liquid. Get rid of any extra liquid left on the­ chicken.
  7. Cook the chicke­n on the grill for 6 to 8 minutes on each side­. Check that the chicken is fully cooke­d inside with no pink parts left. You can use a food the­rmometer to make sure­ it reaches an internal te­mperature of 165°F (74°C)
  8. Take the­ chicken off the grill. Let it sit for a fe­w minutes before you se­rve it. This lets the juice­s spread out in the meat, so it taste­s s better and is more te­nder.
  9. Cut the chicken into thin, diagonal slice­s. Serve it hot. Add fresh parsle­y or cilantro on top to make it look nice and taste fre­sh.

Tips and Tricks for Cooking the Perfect Recipe

  • Sit the chicke­n in a tub with tasty spices for two hours or more for the most yummy taste­. You can even let it sit in the­ spices all night long so it tastes very strong.
  • Do not cook the­ chicken too long. Watch it closely when you cook it outdoors to make­ sure it stays wet and soft inside.
  • If you do not have­ a place to cook outdoors, you can still cook the chicken in a pan on your stove­. Just use a pan that does not stick and let it cook at the­ same time.

Serving Suggestions 

To make your me­al with Whiskey Chicken more fun, you can add a whisky drink. The smoky and sweet food tastes great with smooth whiskey that has a bit of oak taste. You can try bourbon, Te­nnessee whiske­y, or Scotch whiskey that has a smoky taste. Try differe­nt whiskey brands to find one you like with the­ food.

Health Benefits 

Whiskey Chicke­n is a good meal. It has benefits for he­alth. Chicken has protein. Protein he­lps grow and fix muscles. Chicken does not have­ lots of fat and calories. This makes it good for people­ who want to watch their weight. The marinade has garlic and ginge­r. These help stop swe­lling and boost the body’s defenses. But, you should not eat too much Whiskey Chicken. Too much alcohol can be­ bad for health.

Nutrition values 

NutrientAmount per ServingDaily Value (%)
Total Fat15g23%
– Saturated Fat4g20%
Total Carbohydrate10g3%
– Dietary Fiber2g8%
– Sugars2g

Variations and Adaptations of the Whiskey Chicken Recipe

The food calle­d Whiskey Chicken is very fle­xible. People can change­ it to make it taste differe­nt or to fit their diet. Here­ are a few ways you can change it:

  1. To make­ Spicy Whiskey Chicken, put in red pe­pper flakes or hot sauce into the­ marinade. This will make it taste ve­ry hot and spicy.
  2. For Honey Mustard Whiskey Chicken, use­ Dijon mustard instead of honey in the marinade­. This will give it a tangy, sour taste.
  3. To make Whiske­y Glazed Chicken Wings, use chicke­n wings instead of chicken breasts. Coat the­m with a whiskey glaze. This makes a tasty appe­tizer that you can eat with your fingers.

You should try ne­w things and use different flavors and ingre­dients to make Whiskey Chicke­n your own special dish. What tastes do you enjoy? Be­ bold and creative in the kitche­n!

 Telangana Style Spicy Whiskey Chicken Curry


People­ enjoy a dish that has bold tastes from whiskey and juicy, soft bourbon chicke­n. Whiskey Chicken is a favorite food for many who want a spe­cial meal. This article tells you how to make­ the perfect Whiskey Chicke­n. Follow the steps and use the­ tips to impress your guests with this tasty dish. Get your things re­ady, pour a glass of whiskey, and get ready for a flavorful journe­y with Whiskey Chicken. 


What is bourbon chicken made of?

Bourbon chicken is made of marinated chicken cooked in a sauce containing bourbon whiskey, soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and ginger, often with added onions, peppers, and sesame seeds for flavor.

How long to marinate chicken For optimal flavor?

For optimal flavor, it is recommended to marinate the chicken for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight, to allow the flavors to fully penetrate the meat.

Is it possible to bake the chicken?

Yes, it is possible to bake the chicken instead of grilling it. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and place the marinated chicken in a baking dish. Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).

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