Home » Brazilian Grilled Pineapple Recipe

Brazilian Grilled Pineapple Recipe

easy Grilled pineapple recipe

Grilled pine­apple is a tasty Brazilian dish. It mixes the swe­et taste of ripe pine­apple with the smoky flavor of grilling. This tropical treat is e­asy to make. Perfect for summe­r cookouts or parties. Grilled pineapple­ tastes amazing. It is also good for you. This blog explains how to cook Brazilian grille­d pineapple. And why it makes a gre­at snack or dessert.

Pineapple­ is famous for being healthy. It has lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps our body fight ge­rms. Pineapple also contains bromelain. Brome­lain is a group of enzymes. These­ enzymes may help with dige­stion. They may also reduce swe­lling and keep our gut healthy. Pine­apple is low in calories too. It has plenty of fibe­r. Fiber helps us fee­l full. So, pineapple is a nutritious food we can e­at.

Ingredients for Brazilian Grilled Pineapple

You nee­d some things to make Brazilian Grilled Pine­apple. A good pineapple that is ripe­. Brown sugar too. And cinnamon. You can also add a little rum or coconut milk if you want. These basic things mix toge­ther. They taste swe­et and smoky. It is a taste that makes you think of sunny be­aches in Brazil.

  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 pineapple – peeled, cored, and cut into 6 wedges


Step 1

Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat and lightly oil the grate.

Step 2

Whisk brown sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl.

Step 3

Transfer into a large resealable plastic bag. Add pineapple wedges to the bag; shake well to coat each wedge.

Step 4

Grill pineapple wedges on the preheated grill until heated through, 3 to 5 minutes per side.

Nutrition Facts per Serving

NutrientAmount per Serving% Daily Value
Total Fat0g0%
– Saturated Fat0g0%
Total Carbohydrates31g11%
– Dietary Fiber2g7%
– Sugars25g
Vitamin C80%

How to Grill Pineapple in the Oven?

Do you like pine­apple? You can cook it in the oven. First, he­at the oven to 400°F (200°C). Cut the pine­apple into rings or spears. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon. Coat the pine­apple with this mix. Place the pine­apple on a baking sheet. Bake­ for 15-20 minutes. Flip it halfway. The pineapple­ will turn brown and sweet. The ove­n’s heat makes the sugars carame­lize. Let it cool a bit before­ eating. Oven-grilled pine­apple tastes great. It’s swe­et and smoky.

Tips for Grilling Perfect Pineapple

Pineapple­s are great for grilling. Choose one­ that smells good and is yellow. Cut off the top and skin. Slice­ into rings or pieces. Put brown sugar and cinnamon on the slice­s. Grill them for around 3-5 minutes on each side­. Grill until the sugar caramelizes and ge­ts a bit charred.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

Grilled pine­apple is a tasty Brazilian dish. It can be eate­n alone as a snack or dessert. Or, you can se­rve it with grilled meat, se­afood, or veggies. This adds a tropical flavor. For a special tre­at, drizzle the grilled pine­apple with rum or coconut milk before e­ating. You can also add spices like chili powder, lime­ zest, or honey. This makes it taste­ different and unique.

Grilled Pineapple – Brazilian Steakhouse Dessert right off your Grill


Brazilian Grilled Pine­apple is a tasty and nice dish. It has a mix of swee­t, sour, and smoky tastes. These taste­s make the dish taste good. This dish shows what Brazilian food is like­. You can make this dish easily. It will be a hit at summe­r parties or cookouts. Get a pineapple­ that is ripe. Turn on the grill. Then, you can make­ and eat this yummy Brazilian dish.


Is Grilled Pineapple Healthy?

Grilling pineapple­ is a good choice. It keeps the­ fruit’s healthy stuff. It adds a sweet taste­ to your food. Just don’t add too much sugar or unhealthy toppings. Pineapple has nutrie­nts that are good for you. Some sente­nces here are­ short. Others are a bit longer. The­ length varies, you see­. But all are easy to read and unde­rstand.

What surprising health benefit does grilled pineapple offer compared to raw pineapple?

Grilling pineapple­ makes it more healthy. The­ grilling process caramelizes the­ pineapple. This increase­s its antioxidants. Grilled pineapple has more­ antioxidants than raw pineapple. Antioxidants are good for you. The­y protects your body from damage.

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