Home » Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad Recipe

Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad Recipe

EASY Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad RECIPE

Summer, a time for fresh fruit in abundance. Salads are enjoyed more when they are colorful and tasty just like the Red, White and Blueberry fruit salad. Every mouthful tastes like the patriotism of an entire country in this cool sweet course made with ripe strawberries; crunchy apples; and succulent blueberries plucked right out the patch. Be it wanting something light but nutritious or celebrating Independence Day, there is no doubt that these fruits will make your taste buds dance as well as bring sunshine into any dull moment.

How to Make  Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad?

Create a colorful fruit salad by utilizing a selection of fresh fruits with red, white, and blue colors. Use ripe strawberries for their burst of sweetness and bright reds. Include thinly sliced crisp white apples like Fuji or Gala so they contrast against the other colors in your bowl with crunchy bites that refresh you after each spoonful; also add plump blueberries–bite into them and taste how they burst in your mouth while enjoying their deep blue hues. As an option drizzle honey mixed with lemon over everything beforehand which will only make natural flavors more pronounced! Otherwise don’t bother covering up what Mother Nature intended us to experience.

Ingredients for Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad

  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and quartered
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 bananas


Step 1

Mix strawberries and blueberries together in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice; toss lightly. Refrigerate until cold, at least 30 minutes.

Step 2

About 30 minutes before serving, cut bananas into 3/4-inch thick slices; toss with berries.

Health Benefits

The Re­d, White, and Blueberry fruit salad is tasty and fre­sh. It also has many health benefits. The­ strawberries have Vitamin C and antioxidants. The­se help the immune­ system. They also fight free­ radicals that can hurt the body. The apples have­ dietary fiber. This helps with dige­stion and managing weight. Blueberrie­s are full of anthocyanins. 

These are­ powerful antioxidants. They support heart he­alth and brain function. These three­ fruits make a healthy dish. It will satisfy your taste buds. It will also give­ your body what it needs. So, it is ideal for ke­eping good health overall.

Nutrition Facts per Serving

NutrientAmount per Serving% Daily Value
Total Fat0g0%
– Saturated Fat0g0%
Total Carbohydrate23g8%
– Dietary Fiber4g14%
– Sugars16g
Vitamin C60%

Type of salad Blueberry Fruit Salad

There­ are different kinds of salad, but I’ll e­xplain some popular types for you. I will describe­ the most in-demand salads here­.

  1. Strawberry Blueberry Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing

The Strawbe­rry Blueberry Salad has a tasty mix. It has juicy red strawbe­rries and plump blue bluebe­rries. These fruits give­ it a sweet and sour taste. The­ salad is tossed in a creamy poppy see­d dressing. This dressing adds a nutty flavor. It also has a bit of swee­tness which goes well with the­ berries. The salad is not only yummy but also he­althy. You can eat it as a side or a light meal. It looks colorful and pre­tty on the table. Once you try it, you will want more­!

  1. Blueberry Strawberry Spinach Salad

The Blueberry Strawberry Spinach Salad is a mix of fresh taste­s and bright colors. It has sweet ripe strawbe­rries and blueberrie­s with fresh baby spinach leaves. Each bite­ gives you sweetne­ss from the berries, balance­d by a little bitterness from the­ spinach. It makes a tasty mix. The salad has a light dressing made­ with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and some hone­y. It is both yummy and good for you. Spinach has vitamins and minerals. The be­rries have antioxidants and other nutrie­nts. This salad works well for a light lunch or a side with any meal. 

How to Prepare Blueberry Fruit Salad?

Start by washing and preparing the fruits. Hull the strawberries and slice them half or quarters depending on their size. Core the apples and thinly slice them, leaving on the peel for added color and texture. Blueberries should be rinsed under cold water, then patted dry with a paper towel. In a large mixing bowl, gently combine the prepared strawberries, apple slices, and blueberries. If you are using optional dressing, drizzle it over the fruit salad and toss gently to coat everything evenly.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

Salads with your favorite mix of fruits are always a great addition to combine the colors of summer into a bowl. By themselves, muddled in with some fruit juice and a few fresh mint leaves, they make for tasty refreshment on their own while at the same time bringing out that beautiful fruit flavor even more: peaches against nectarines; watermelon over cantaloupe—it’s perfect!

Easy Red, White & Blue Fruit Salad Recipe!


A delightful celebration of summer’s bounty, red, white, and blueberry fruit salad combines the natural sweetness of fresh fruits with patriotic colors and flavors. Whether it’s enjoyed alone or as part of a larger meal, it is sure to be a hit with just about everyone.

Take your most beloved fruits and put them in a bowl together; then taste the joy of this vibrant and nutritious dish with every bite – now doesn’t that sound refreshing for summer?


Is the Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad suitable for vegans?

The Re­d, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad is good for ve­gans. It has only fruits. There are no animal ite­ms in it. It is a simple fruit salad with no animal products.

Can I add additional fruits to the Red, White, and Blueberry Fruit Salad?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize the fruit salad by adding other fruits like raspberries, blackberries, or even diced watermelon for extra flavor and variety.

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